How to Use Python for Instagram API Integration to Fetch Data: A Developer's Guide

Learn how to use Python for Instagram API integration to fetch and analyze valuable data, enhancing your marketing strategies and business insights with Instaloader, Pandas, and InsightIQ.

Learn how to use Python for Instagram API integration to fetch and analyze valuable data, enhancing your marketing strategies and business insights with Instaloader, Pandas, and InsightIQ.

Introduction to Instagram Data Integration

With a 2.4 billion active user base, Instagram has approximately one-fourth of the world's monthly active internet users. Such humongous data can be a goldmine for businesses, marketers, and developers.

Integrating with Instagram's API allows you to programmatically access a wide range of information, from user profiles to post details and engagement metrics. Insights generated from this data can be instrumental in understanding your audience, tracking trends, and refining your marketing strategies.

Still, navigating Instagram's public API to extract this data can be a daunting task no one wants to do. Thankfully, platforms like InsightIQ with their Social Data APIs make this process easier for both developers and businesses.

Before exploring that, let’s understand how developers can use Python to simplify the process of scraping data from public pages and Instagram profiles using libraries like Instaloader and Pandas.

The Value of Instagram Data for Businesses and Marketers

Instagram data isn't just about pretty pictures and witty captions. Instagram insights can drive your marketing strategies, inform your content creation, and help you connect with your target audience.

Here's a taste of what you can do with all this data:

1. Audience's Demographics

Understand your followers' age, gender, location, and interests to create content that caters to a specific audience.

2. Engagement Metrics

Track likes, comments, shares, and saves to measure the performance of your posts and identify what resonates with your audience.

3. Hashtag Performance

Analyze the popularity and reach of different hashtags to optimize your hashtag strategy.

4. Competitor Analysis

Keep tabs on your competitors' Instagram activities, including their content, engagement rates, and follower growth.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we dive into the code, let's get your Python environment ready for Instagram data extraction.

Installing Necessary Python Libraries

You'll need two key libraries for this task:

Instaloader: This handy library simplifies the process of downloading photos, videos, and profile information from Instagram. Install it using pip install instaloader.

Pandas: This powerful data manipulation library helps you organize, analyze, and visualize your Instagram data. Install it using pip install pandas.

Authenticating and Starting Your Python Script

To access the Instagram Graph API, you'll first need to create a Facebook Developer account and register your application. Once you have your credentials, you can use the instaloader.Instaloader() function to authenticate the business account and begin your data extraction script.

Extracting Basic Instagram Profile Data

Let's start with the basics. With Instaloader, you can easily fetch essential profile information like:

  • Username
  • Full Name
  • Profile Picture URL
  • Bio
  • Website
  • Number of Posts
  • Number of Followers
  • Number of Followings

Here's a simple Python snippet using Instaloader to fetch a user's profile data:

import instaloaderL = instaloader.Instaloader()
profile = instaloader.Profile.from_username(L.context, 'instagram')
# ... and so on

Use Case 1

Let’s try to fetch Messi's Instagram profile data using Instaloader.


import instaloader

# Initialize Instaloader

L = instaloader.Instaloader()

# Optionally, log in if needed

# L.login('your_username', 'your_password')


   # Fetch Messi's profile information

   profile = instaloader.Profile.from_username(L.context, 'leomessi')

  # Print the profile information

   print("Username:", profile.username)

   print("Full Name:", profile.full_name)

   print("Bio:", profile.biography)

   print("Profile Pic URL:", profile.profile_pic_url)

   print("Number of Posts:", profile.mediacount)

   print("Number of Followers:", profile.followers)

   print("Number of Following:", profile.followees)

except instaloader.exceptions.ProfileNotExistsException:

   print("Profile does not exist.")

except instaloader.exceptions.PrivateProfileNotFollowedException:

   print("Profile is private and not followed.")

except Exception as e:

   print(f"An error occurred: {e}")


Username: leomessi

Full Name: Leo Messi

Bio: Bienvenidos a la cuenta oficial de Instagram de Leo Messi / Welcome to the official Leo Messi Instagram account

Profile Pic URL:

Number of Posts: 1213

Number of Followers: 503127031

Number of Following: 319

Advanced Instagram Data Extraction Techniques

access token facebook developer account instagram graph api post request python code api call api key api response api calls instagram feed web apis instagram apis api url import requests image url requests package using python json format user agent source code return response facebook request client app json authentication image response https functionality token server link creating valid http sdk upload exchange documentation created project customer generate

While fetching basic profile information is a good start, let's explore how Python can help you dig deeper into the Instagram data mine.

Extracting Emails from Bios Using Regular Expressions

Many Instagram users include their email addresses in their bios. You can extract these valuable leads using regular expressions (regex), a powerful pattern-matching tool in Python. Here's an example:

import instaloader
import re
L = instaloader.Instaloader()
profile = instaloader.Profile.from_username(L.context, 'nike')
email_pattern = r"[a-z0-9\.\-+_]+@[a-z0-9\.\-+_]+\.[a-z]+"
match =, profile.biography)

if match:

      print("Email found:",


print("No email found")

In this example, since Nike's Instagram bio doesn't contain a direct email address, the output would be "No email found."

However, this script can be easily adapted to search other profiles or data sources where email addresses might be present.

Retrieving Top Search Results and Analyzing Content

Instaloader allows you to search for hashtags, locations, and usernames. You can then iterate through the top search results, retrieving information about posts like captions, hashtags, comments, and likes. This data can be invaluable for understanding trending topics, sentiment analysis, and competitor research.

The following script searches for the top posts related to "fitness" and prints their captions and hashtags.

top_results = instaloader.TopSearchResults(L.context, "fitness")  
for post in top_results.get_posts():

     print(post.caption, post.hashtags)

     # ...etc.

This example script searches for the top posts related to "fitness" and prints their captions and hashtags. You can then use Pandas to analyze this data further, for instance, identifying the most frequently used hashtags or the most engaging types of content.

Managing Data for Analysis

Once you've extracted your valuable Instagram data, you need an efficient way to organize and analyze it. Python's Pandas library is a perfect tool for this purpose.

Storing Data in Pandas DataFrames

Pandas DataFrames provide a structured and flexible way to store and manipulate your Instagram data. You can easily create DataFrames from the information you've extracted using Instaloader, allowing you to perform various operations like filtering, sorting, and aggregating.

Check out this script:

import instaloader

import pandas as pd

# Initialize Instaloader

L = instaloader.Instaloader()

# Optionally, log in (uncomment and set your username and password if login is needed)

# L.login('your_username', 'your_password')

# List of usernames to fetch data for

usernames = ['username1', 'username2', 'username3']

# Dictionary to store the data

data = {'Username': [], 'Followers': [], 'Post Count': []}  # Add more columns as needed

# Iterate through the list of usernames and fetch profile information

for username in usernames:


        profile = instaloader.Profile.from_username(L.context, username)



        data['Post Count'].append(profile.mediacount)

    except instaloader.exceptions.ProfileNotExistsException:

        print(f"Profile {username} does not exist.")

    except instaloader.exceptions.PrivateProfileNotFollowedException:

        print(f"Profile {username} is private and not followed.")

    except Exception as e:

        print(f"An error occurred for profile {username}: {e}")

# Create a DataFrame from the dictionary

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Display the DataFrame


The script above fetches Instagram profile data (username, followers, post count) for a list of specified usernames using Instaloader, handles errors if profiles are private or non-existent, and stores this data in a pandas DataFrame. It then prints the DataFrame to display the collected information. You can simply add or remove fields and methods as you see fit to scrape desired information from Instagram.

Exporting Data to CSV Files

CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files are a common format for storing and sharing data. You can easily export your Pandas DataFrames to CSV files, making it easy to import them into other tools like Excel or Google Sheets for further analysis and visualization.

Use this script:

df.to_csv('instagram_data.csv', index=False)

How InsightIQ Can Enhance Instagram Data Utilization

While Python and Instaloader provide a solid foundation for Instagram data extraction, InsightIQ takes it to the next level. It offers a suite of advanced tools and features that can significantly enhance your data utilization and analysis.

Think of InsightIQ APIs as magnifying glasses, which reveal hidden details and connections within the data. It's the difference between having a pile of puzzle pieces and actually seeing the picture they create.

Integrating InsightIQ for Advanced Data Analysis and Visualization

InsightIQ's API integration capabilities allow you to seamlessly connect your Python scripts with its platform. This means you can automatically send your extracted Instagram data to InsightIQ for further analysis.

Once your data is in InsightIQ, you can take advantage of its powerful analytics features, such as:

1. Advanced Filtering and Segmentation

Filter your data by specific criteria, such as date range, hashtags, or user demographics, to gain deeper insights into specific aspects of your data.

2. Customizable Dashboards

Get a bird's-eye view of your social media performance with visually stunning dashboards. Customize them to display the metrics that matter most to you, so you can track your progress and make data-driven decisions.

3. Sentiment Analysis

Are your Instagram posts getting love or hate? InsightIQ's sentiment analysis tools will tell you, so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

4. Competitor Benchmarking

Keep your friends close, but your competitors closer. InsightIQ lets you compare your performance to your rivals, revealing what's working for them and what's not!

Don't let your competitors outsmart you on social. Get the data-driven edge with InsightIQ Social Data APIs.

Also check out: The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Insights API

Leveraging InsightIQ's Tools for Optimized Marketing Insights

InsightIQ doesn't just stop at analysis. We offer a suite of social media and influencer marketing-specific tools that can help you leverage your Instagram data to drive better results.

Here are a few of them:

1. Influencer Identification and Analysis

Find the perfect influencers for your brand based on their audience demographics, interests, and engagement rates. Track their performance and measure the impact of your influencer marketing campaigns.

2. Campaign Tracking and Optimization

Keep a close eye on your Instagram campaigns with real-time data and insights. Identify what's working, what's not, and make adjustments on the fly to maximize your results.

3. Content Recommendation Engine

Get personalized recommendations for the types of content that are most likely to resonate with your audience based on their interests and behavior. It's like having a content marketing guru whispering in your ear.

By integrating InsightIQ into your Python-based Instagram data extraction workflow, you can gain deeper insights into your audience, optimize your marketing campaigns, and achieve greater success on the platform.

Try it yourself for FREE in one click.

Best Practices and Ethical Considerations

While extracting Instagram data can be a powerful tool for businesses and marketers, it's important to use it responsibly and ethically.

Recommended Read: Top 5 Social Media APIs for Developers

Adhering to Instagram's Data Use Policies

Always respect Instagram's terms of service and data use policies.

Avoid spamming, scraping excessive amounts of data, or using account data for purposes that violate Instagram's guidelines.

Ensuring Responsible Use of Data Extraction Tools

Use data extraction tools like Instaloader responsibly and avoid overwhelming Instagram's servers with excessive requests. Be mindful of rate limits and implement strategies like caching and pagination to minimize the impact on Instagram's infrastructure.


The Internet is full of websites and apps that allow web and file scrapping from different websites. But these websites fail when it comes to fetching data from platforms like Instagram and X (Twitter) which are more restrictive and challenging to work with considering public access restraints and privacy policies.

This is why developers run to API integrations to have more freedom and ease of access to multiple social media platforms.

Python, along with libraries like Instaloader and platforms like InsightIQ, offers a powerful toolkit for extracting, analyzing, and leveraging Instagram data.

By following best practices and adhering to ethical considerations, you can make the best use of Instagram data to gain valuable insights, optimize your marketing strategies, and achieve your business goals.

Summary of Key Takeaways:

  • Instagram's API offers a wealth of public data that can be incredibly valuable for businesses and marketers.
  • Python, with libraries like Instaloader, provides a flexible way to extract and analyze this data.
  • InsightIQ enhances the capabilities of Python by providing advanced analytics, visualization, and marketing-specific tools.
  • By combining the power of Python with InsightIQ, you can gain valuable insights and optimize your social media strategies for maximum impact.

Want to know how to get started with InsightIQ? Contact our team today for a free consultation and demo.

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